Leon Gazet
Head Coach
I have always enjoyed being active and life to date has been filled with numerous sports and hobbies. From team sports at school – Cricket, hockey, squash and running to getting into traditional gym training during my varsity years and then falling in love with endurance sports which ranged from running (road and trail), riding (road and trail) and triathlons. In 2010 I went to my first CrossFit class and my view on fitness changed.
I want to be competent and capable in all facets of CrossFit – I love slowly ticking off the list of things that I initially couldn’t do. Things definitely take me longer to master but I love the process and constant challenge. I want CrossFit to form part of a well-balanced lifestyle (nutrition, stress, sleep, community, sports and being outdoors) with the mix of the two resulting in me being the best version of myself.
I plan to strive towards improving my fitness throughout my life and will continue to CrossFit for the rest of my life.
CrossFit Level 1, CrossFit level 2, CrossFit Endurance, Eleiko Level 1, MovNat level 1.
Currently completing my Life Coach course at the UCT Business school.
Fitness for me is about being the best version of yourself – mentally, physically and emotionally.
I love the constant challenge, the fact that it teaches you patience and perseverance in a world where “quick” fixes have become the norm. I love the variation, the community and the fact that it can literally change lives.
I enjoy sharing my knowledge with people and watching them change as a person over time as CrossFit impacts there confidence and sense of self.
I love that it teaches me patience, gives me the opportunity to helps others and impact positively on the life of someone else.
CrossFit makes me a better person – so its benefits are felt in my everyday life as a husband, friend, work colleague and son.
I run once or twice a week in the forest, try get in the ocean as and when I can, plan active holidays and hikes all the time! Movement is life for me – so I strive to move as much as possible on a daily basis.
It helps me relax and slows my mind down – in the moment of completing a tough workout the mind is still and focused on the moment.
Mmmmmm – this is a tough one! I love the movements that took me the longest to master – Handstands and handstand walks, snatches, muscle-ups.
I love the pain the assault bike inflicts – I have never felt anything like it before!
“Be careful what you think as thoughts turn into actions, actions create habits, habits set your destiny and your destiny becomes your legacy.”

Raun Billett
CrossFit Coach
I played rugby and inline hockey throughout Varsity and then started CrossFit in 2013. I still enjoy a game of touch on a Sunday afternoon and am always keen to try something new!
I want to be generally proficient in all four CrossFit disciplines (weightlifting, gymnastics, cardiovascular endurance and skills) and apply what I learn at the box to everyday life, whether it be on the sports field or around the house. The CrossFit mantra of “general physical preparedness” resonates with me.
CrossFit Level 1, CA(SA)
Fitness, or health, is a measure of the effectiveness/efficiency of our physical and mental functionality. To be effective, things like nutrition and rest need to align with your long-term fitness goals and ideally, this lifestyle needs to make you happier!
Personally, I have found CrossFit to be invaluable in that, over time, it has enabled me to develop a better awareness of my body and its capability under different stresses. This awareness has enabled me to take small intentional steps towards being “fitter”.
I enjoy the variety of movements/skills, the community and the camaraderie. I have met a lot of inspiring and interesting people through CrossFit who continue to challenge me to be better.
I find that being part of a process of the personal development of others is very fulfilling and I love the relational aspect of the job.
I enjoy getting out of the box for a game of touch rugby, a stand-up paddle or a hike but the truth is that this doesn’t happen as often as I would like. CrossFit training is meant to enhance these other experiences, not replace them and I need to embrace that more!
Double-unders & TTB
“If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.”
-Fred DeVitto

Andrea Gazet
CrossFit Coach
Truth: I did not do any exercise until I met my now husband Leon in 2006. My first activity running…400m that was all I could manage. I mostly did road running with the odd gym session (which I now realise was a complete waste of time) until I started CrossFit in 2013. At first I battled to give up my aerobics class sessions at traditional gyms but quickly fell in love with CrossFit and realised it is far more beneficial for my overall health than anything else around. Hands down. I do still love the odd trail run. The forest is my yoga.
To be healthy for life. I want to do life well. I want to feel energised, peak mentally and physically and to have the ability to participate in other types of sporting activities, whether it be beach volleyball, a 10 day hike or a cycle.
CrossFit Level 1
CrossFit Kids Certification
Whenever I see a really good runner (anyone who beats me really…ha ha) my question always is but can they Snatch? So fitness to me is being strong (gymnastics and weightlifting) and having the ability to perform those movements correctly, having cardiovascular endurance, and being able to use that fitness in everyday life. I also believe that your overall wellness is a good measure of your fitness.
Everything!!! Training with incredible people, the variety, the ability to always improve on something, the never ending list of new movements and the emphasis it places on health. Dave Castro.
Helping people to get better, backing and believing in them. Watching someone achieve a new PR.
I enjoy trail running. I have managed to maintain, if not improve, my running fitness without training to run.
I have also managed a few surfs and body boards. I am not any good but it is still great fun learning.
Snatch. My favorite and most frustrating movement. You just know when it is good.
“To get going sometimes you just have to go.”

Mogammad Manuel
Facility manager
I have always been active in various sports mostly through participation from a young age whether it was belonging to a club or just plain giving it a bash in the neighbourhood street. (at one point, we played roller hockey hoping to try out for the mighty ducks someday). I have been actively involved in rugby, football, cricket and softball to name a few as far as I can remember
Currently my fitness goals revolve around getting better at running. I would like to break 40mins for 10km race and also break the 3h30 for a marathon.
Currently hold a degree in Sport Science.
CrossFit L1 Trainer
To me Fitness is about being able to apply yourself to everyday activities without the threat of experiencing damaging effects long and short term.
In my brief time being exposed to CrossFit It would have to be the Thruster.
“Life’s all about taking the minimum opportunity and overcoming the odds.”

Matthew Wynne
CrossFit Coach
Started my “fitness” journey with Judo as a teen. I competed at the provincial level for 2 years after which rugby took my focus for my high school and varsity years.
I started CrossFit to supplement my rugby career but that soon changed to CrossFit as my sporting code of choice. I started CrossFit after joining the BRC family for a rowathon. After that event, I was hooked.
Future Goals: Open 2018 – Top 30 in the African Region.
CrossFit L1 Trainer
CrossFit L2 Trainer
Why do I love CrossFit? I’m constantly humbled by the sport, whether that’s through a tough metcon or a heavy lift. It somehow brings the best out of me, mentally and physically. I’m always the student when it comes to CrossFit because the sport is always evolving, I love that about it.I enjoy the variation of CrossFit. You’ll need to master everything just to be above average in the sport, that’s the way I’d like to think about it. Plus, you’re always learning new things. Lastly the community, most of my best mates I’ve met through CrossFit, for that I’m extremely thankful.
I decided to start coaching because I’d just completed my Level 1, more to improve my general understanding of the movements than to become a coach. After taking a few morning classes, informally, I enjoyed it – the rest is history. The early hours aren’t the best but watching athletes grow through coaching makes it well worth the effort.
Strive for continuous improvement, instead of perfection – Kim Collins

Luke Wewege
Head Coach
Played basketball & rugby at school. Towards the end of school and at varsity I started gyming. Started Crossfit. Right now I do CrossFit, run, surf, swim and play some golf. Really like getting outdoors to do exercise.
Improve all-round fitness qualities.
BSc(Med)(Hons) Biokinetics (UCT)
BSc Sport Science
CrossFit L1,
CrossFit L2
Competent in all fitness qualities, where you are constantly challenging your bodies default homeostasis to get better in each quality by training smart and efficiently, eating right and respecting the recovery process of the mind body and soul.
It’s super challenging, humbling, fun and you see results.
This is cliche but I want to make a difference and so by helping people get better and seeing their results I hope I have achieved that. There is no greater profession than the health & fitness industry – it’s super rewarding. People have made a conscious decision at CrossFit to invest in their well being which makes my job so much easier as I am just helping them along on their fitness journey.
In nature whether, it is swimming, surfing, supping, running, hiking.
Ring Muscle Up & Clean
We are what we repeatedly do, excellence then is not an act but a habit – Aristotle
If it’s important to you, you will find a way, if not you will find an excuse
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

Jimmy Huang
Basketball, Soccer, Hockey in school and some competitive Basketball and Soccer afterwards.
With my son Emmett, the goal is to attend CrossFit classes 3 times a week!
CrossFit L1,
CrossFit Online Courses completed:
– Lesson Planning
– Spot the Flaw
– Scaling
– Anatomy
– Judges course.
Virtuosity in movement has always stuck with me. Being able to move well and with quality and to get the most benefit out of a movement and workout is what is crucial to me.
The variety of movement and skills, the constant learning and improvement, the community.
I love the different levels of fitness and skills and being able to help members get to their goals, whether it be a muscle up or just to get upside down with confidence. The little triumphs are what satisfy me!
I have a toddler!
It used to be pistols, but your knees start getting achy when you reach 40…so now it’s bar muscle ups.
“Happiness is a way of travelling, not a destination” – The Minimalists

Thamar Houliston
CrossFit Coach
I have been a fitness addict forever! I initially fell in love with running and adventure racing after school and completed many marathons including the Comrades, The New York Marathon, Himalayan 100-Miler, Grand Raid in Reunion and more. When I broke my wrist trail running, I decided to try new things and found myself doing triathlons, which then led me to Ironman and a training partner who was “always stiff from CrossFit”. I was intrigued and decided to try it. It was love at first class! I did my Level 1 a year after starting in 2013 and also my CrossFit Endurance Certification so that I could help fellow runners with conditioning through CrossFit, which I did for a while. After 6 years of CrossFit and many hours of training and competing later, I finally did my Level 2 and decided to coach more regularly. So here we are…
At this point in my life I train for enjoyment and longevity. My goal is to be fit and as buff as possible for as long as possible. I always stick to my 80% and don’t believe in smashing myself every day. I would say being the smartest athlete in the class with the most consistent routine as well as the least injuries is my goal.
I have an honours Degree in International Relations and was a journalist for many years, most notably at Women’s Health Magazine. I have my Level 2 CrossFit Trainers Certification.
Fitness is the ability to be fully functional when it comes to everyday movements. So for example, being able to lift a box over my head or not get out of breath when walking up the stairs. This for me is the basic definition of fitness.
The thing I love most about CrossFit besides the fact that it challenges me each and every day, is community. Working out alone is never as fulfilling as sharing the experience with others.
I love seeing people move better when I am able to help or motivate them and often how they are so happy when they leave the class – that makes my day. I also find it very energizing and just enjoy socializing with people in general.
For motorbike and trail running adventures, at my job doing social media for an NGO and events where I have to be mobile and on my feet a lot, as well as at home around the house!
The Snatch haha! The most challenging movement for me but the most rewarding when you hit a good lift!
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” – Helen Keller.

Mare Louw
CrossFit Coach
Growing up in the countryside, I have always been active in same shape or form. A couple of years ago I wanted to challenge myself and started doing triathlons. Since then, I have completed 6 Ironman70.3’s. Whilst on this journey, I realized that I needed to work on building strength and through a close friend, I was introduced to CrossFit. Since that first benchmark workout, I have falling in love with the process of continuously improving, building strength and capacity and learning new skills and can’t imagine a life without CrossFit anymore.
I want to always be healthy and fit and know that I am continuously improving my holistic fitness levels whilst challenging myself to be the best that I can be… which is better than yesterday.
CrossFit Level 1 Trainer
MBA Degree
Fitness for me is when you are actively pursuing a healthy lifestyle that results in physical and mental health and wellbeing. It is like a moving target that helps you strive to consciously improve and strive for excellence.
There will always a new challenge or something to improve on! It keeps me challenged, inspired and humbled.
I love to help people grow and achieve things that they once thought never would be possible. There is something inspiring to see others lean into their full potential and smash those personal goals!
I often swim, run and bike and do the occasional hike up Table Mountain. I also enjoy spending time outdoors and being fit and healthy makes it so much more enjoyable.
Definitely Wall Balls
Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence. Vince Lombardi